Two people influenced my interest in lure making Kelly Doolin, a farmer, trapper
and dogman whom I lived with; and Coxy Lorenz, the local country fur buyer. Kelly
came from the Tennessee Mountains and he used a lot of natural baits for an
attractant: skunks, groundhogs, cats, muskrats, urine, etc. The biggest factor
was a jar of skunk bags sitting on the shelf in Coxy's fur shed. I asked him
what they were and what they were used for, not knowing anything about lure at
that very young age. Coxy tried to explain how certain animals were attracted to
the same animal odors and also attracted to other species of animal smells. Later,
what really helped, was working for Coxy and him showing me firsthand where
to find the different glands. Coxy was a trapper and a ginseng digger along with his fur buying, and he picked up knowledge from all the trappers from whom he bought fur. This information was shared with me and what stuck in my mind was about the fox and mink. Later, when I started dabbling in lure, this was very helpful. It takes a lot of trial, error and testing to make a good lure. It's very satisfying when you put different glands and scents together to come up with an odor that will catch the target animal you are after. I encourage any trapper to try his hand at it. |
These lures will catch in rough weather and under heavy trapping conditions. It takes
a top quality lure and urine to deliver, and to produce fur. Conner's Lures
are combined for maximum catches. This means extra fur, extra money. The lure
I offer is the lure I use on my own trapline, and it has caught thousands of dollars
worth of fur for me. |
A loud, very strong lure. Four or five drops are plenty at a set, or a good smear
on a bush 10-15 feet from set. |
Order CL101 $7.50 - One Oz. |
Order CL102 $14.00 - Two Oz. |
Order CL103 $25.00 - Four Oz. |
Long Distance Call Lure |
Bobcat Call Lure |
A very strong, long-reaching, powerful lure. Should be used directly at your cat
sets. Use by itself or a combination of other lures. I feel it is one of the best
lures ever put in a bottle. |
Order CL104 $7.50 - One oz. |
Order CL105 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL106 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Bobcat Gland Lure |
Aged glands blended with cat urine. Gives off a mild natural cat odor. Limited supply
available. |
Order CL107 $7.50 - One oz. |
Order CL108 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL109 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Big 3 Lure |
Contains glands, a blend of musks and other special ingredients, aged properly. One
of the best curiosity lures you will find. |
Order CL110 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Order CL111 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL112 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Early Season Lure |
An excellent sweet smelling curiosity lure for all types of predators. For year 'round
use. |
Order CL113 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Order CL114 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL115 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Coyote Gland Lure |
A very heavy, thick lure with good age to give it a loud coyote smell. The shyest
dog will work your set. |
Order CL116 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Order CL117 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL118 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Red Fox Gland Lure |
A true, natural foxy smell loaded with fox glands, ground very fine for a long lasting
fox odor. |
Order CL119 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Order CL120 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL121 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Grey Fox Gland Lure |
Also a thick bodied lure that will last. Greys will work your sets easily and without
fear when using this lure. |
Order CL122 $7.50 - 1 oz. |
Order CL123 $14.00 - Two oz. |
Order CL124 $25.00 - Four oz. |
Copyright©2003-2021 by J.C. Conner LTD - All Rights Reserved Website by Conner & Associates Hawk Mountain Designs |
Furs Taken With Conner's Lures |
The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, should
have been the first. Without the Second Amendment, there would have been no other
amendments. --J.C. |
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